
A Guide to an Amicable Divorce

About Me

A Guide to an Amicable Divorce

When I got divorced, it went off without a hitch. When my friends heard how easy it was, they were shocked. None of the people they knew had experienced the same easy separation I had. It was not problems with their spouses that was the issue. It was the attorneys. After talking to a few more people and my divorce attorney, I created this blog. I want to help others who are going through the divorce process understand their options. I also want people to realize that there are good attorneys who are committed to getting what is best for their clients.


Questions About Restraining Orders? Learn More Below

If you have been served with a restraining order, you might have some questions. Restraining orders, also known as protection orders or orders of protection, are legal orders issued by a court to protect individuals from harassment, threats, or harm by another person. The purpose of a restraining order is to prevent contact between the protected individual (the petitioner) and the person causing harm (the respondent). Restraining orders can be issued in various situations, including domestic violence, stalking, harassment, or other forms of abuse. 

Restraining Orders: What to Know

Who Can Request a Restraining Order: Typically, the person seeking protection can request a restraining order from the court. In some cases, a law enforcement officer or a representative on behalf of the petitioner, such as an attorney, can also file a restraining order.

Process and Requirements: To obtain a restraining order, the petitioner usually needs to file a request with the court and attend a hearing. During the hearing, the petitioner must provide evidence or testimony showing that they have a reasonable fear of harm from the respondent. The respondent will have the opportunity to respond and present their side of the story.

Violation of Restraining Orders: Once a restraining order is in place, the respondent must comply with its terms. Violating a restraining order is a serious offense and can result in criminal charges and penalties for the respondent.

How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help

If you are the respondent in a restraining order case, a criminal defense attorney can provide essential assistance in several ways:

a. Legal Representation: A defense attorney will represent you during the restraining order hearing, presenting your side of the story and defending your rights.

b. Building a Defense: Your attorney will help gather evidence and witnesses to support your case and challenge the petitioner's allegations.

c. Explaining Your Rights: Your attorney will explain your legal rights and ensure that you fully understand the implications of the restraining order and any restrictions it imposes.

d. Seeking Modifications: If the restraining order is overly restrictive or unjust, your attorney can help you seek modifications or appeal the order if appropriate.

e. Responding to Violation Charges: If you are accused of violating the restraining order, your defense attorney will represent you in court to address these charges and defend against potential penalties.

Speak with a criminal defense attorney to find out more about how a restraining order may affect you.